Troy Van Spanje
Troy started training at the age of 15 in the gym. Right from the start of training, he was eager to learn the fastest way possible to increase muscle mass by reading hundreds of magazines to gain knowledge of exercises and programming. After nearly 10 years of weight training, he decided to pursue personal training as a career, so he started his personal training certification.
6 months later, Troy was certified and the same hunger for learning led him to seek a mentor who he could learn from for his career while also help him with his own training to improve his sports performance in basketball. Hundreds of hours were spent on educating the right way to train and eat for performance. The commitment and drive to learn as much as possible earned him a spot on his first representative basketball team at the mature age of 24, which was something not heard of in those days of sports. Troy continued personal training while he pursued his basketball career. After 7 years at the semi-professional level, and another 3 years coaching at a high level with stints in the U.S. Troy decided to put his sporting career aside to pursue his personal training dream.
The first Inpower Fitness facility was born, and Troy’s eager pace to learn the most effective way of training and eating carried out into the Inpower Fitness brand. Once again seeking help from the world’s best coaches and personal trainers were on the agenda to build a system that created fast results. Since the opening of the first facility in 2009, it has been a staple of Troy’s to learn and further enhance the Inpower Fitness System through international trips and learning. To this day, Troy commits 2 international conferences and certifications per year. The constant education helps solidify the best methods to achieve the fastest results.
“I love traveling and learning other coaching methods. I love applying them to myself and see if it fits within my Inpower Fitness system. I’ve done so many certifications and I have a few standouts that have shaped the brand. I used to display all my certifications on the wall of my previous business but now I don’t have a wall big enough!” Troy still has a passion for the game of basketball and opens up his facility to junior players who are willing to learn his methods of training and nutrition through the Inpower Fitness System. “ The system I’ve created works for everyone from all walks of life because of its ability to be personalized right down to the correct exercise, supplements, and foods that enhance results for every goal.