The Benefits Of Eating Breakfast Every Day
One popular quote is “Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and eat dinner like a pauper”. It is a saying that has been used by our grandparents to pass over their wisdom to our generation. Personally, me being a personal trainer I ensure I eat my breakfast like a king, always trying to include meat and nuts in the meal. Additionally, my friends and clients have all the confidence in this “principle” because of the energy, drive and focus it gives.
This feeding theory has gained considerable support in science as well. For many people, there are mass health, performance and physical benefits of eating breakfast. What comprises breakfast may vary all over the world, but some shared components should not be ignored.
Personal Trainers should inform these advantages to their clients
Advantage # 1
– You will better regulate glycemia and take care of your appetite when you start eating something in the morning. Ultimately, there is an irrefutable need for everyone to control their blood sugar level; dysglycemia causes obesity, diabetes and metabolic abnormalities, among other frailties.
Research has shown that breakfast helps, regardless of the type of the meal or its composition. Further studies indicate foods with sufficient low-glycemic carbs and rich in fibers greatly help one to control their appetite, voluntary intake of energy during the active hours and the post-prandial blood glucose. This is because the body responds better when there is a gradual increase in blood sugar. This is precisely why it is important to stay away from sugary cereals, muffins or other or repackaged cakes.
Advantage #2 –
Breakfast with proteins is one of the best ways to set your day for success. Taking breakfast will help you control your blood sugar level and regulate your appetite for the entire day. Simultaneously, proteins play a similar role; including proteins in your breakfast meal is the perfect combo to maintain your blood sugar and energy levels. That way, your performance at work or the gym is not affected or leave you feeling fuzzy.
At the end of the day, you will have saved plenty of energy and time, and you will have more mental focus because of stable blood sugar levels. Because of the high protein levels, a breakfast meal of meat and nuts will help you stay focused, motivated and energized for extended durations of the day. Additionally, the first and the second benefits provide you with an even eating pattern thus allowing you to improve and attain a leaner body physique. Do not fail to take breakfast.
Further research has shown skipping breakfast is likely to cause weight increase and raise the BMI of an individual. This is mainly because breakfast skippers are likely to settle for the wrong choice of food during the day, affecting their ability to control their appetite. The best way to control your appetite is to begin your day by eating protein for breakfast every day
Advantage #3 –
You will benefit from a broader selection of food choices. We derive different nutrients from various types of foods. The best way to avoid nutrient deficiencies is to increase the size of your palette. Eating breakfast every day will reduce one’s chances of lacking, zinc, calcium, iron or vitamins such as B- complex.
Include fibers in your breakfast diet; the wider the variety and type of fiber you consume the better. Among other important roles, eating fibers is an extremely helpful way of getting rid of toxins from the body. Combining fibers and proteins in your daily breakfast is the best way of attaining better body compositions and steady blood sugar levels.
Advantage #4 –
You will have increased mental acuity. Like we said earlier on, avoiding crashing your blood sugar levels or dysregulation of your glycemia helps you to think much clearly all day long, improving your concentration levels. That, your tasks at hand will be done meticulously and completed on time.
Studies have also shown that eating breakfast improves memory recognition remarkably, allowing one to freely recall a lot of information in their heads. This is one of the main reasons I am a big champion of including a fair amount of organic meat and nut in your breakfast diet plan. These foods are highly rich in choline, carnitine, and tyrosine nutrients that boost brain health by helping the growth of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and dopamine.
In short, you can consider eating a healthy amount of meat and nuts breakfast an ingenious way of taking care of your brain.
Advantage #5 –
Eating breakfast is a big basis for an improved lifestyle. Among others, eating the right foods and working out are some of the best lifestyle decisions one can make. However, studies have shown eating breakfast can help one cut down on bad habits such as smoking, drinking and failure to exercise. This is because there is an observable link between regularly eating breakfast and adopting other positive behaviors.
To illustrate, studies have shown a significant reduction in cases of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases among people who eat breakfast every day, translating to lower mortality rates. Eating a good breakfast every day is not only a key component of a healthy lifestyle but also a basis for taking on other healthy daily habits.
Advantage # 6 –
It improves your moods. There is a direct correlation between eating breakfast and maintaining good moods throughout the day, reducing instances of depression and poor social engagement.
Eating breakfast has specific benefits for children; it minimizes the probability of attention-deficit spectrum disorders. In women, eating breakfast greatly reduces the chances of developing dysmenorrhea, which causes gynecological illnesses and psychological disorders.
Advantage # 7 –
It is a good way to prepare your kids for a successful future. The knowledge and benefits of a healthy lifestyle should be passed down from parents to kids. Eating breakfast every day is the most practical way of teaching your kids the benefits of a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy breakfast meal.
There are benefits in kids too. For instance, as explained in the previous point, eating breakfast has shown a huge chance of reduction in children developing attention deficit issues. Also, kids who eat breakfast have minimal chances of growing overweight. Additionally, eating breakfast has been greatly associated with higher grades in school, and increased chances of retaining students older than 16 years in school. Kids that eat breakfast rarely have behavioral struggles.
Regardless of what your objectives in life are, you will greatly benefit from using breakfast as a strong pillar of growth. From there, you will easily develop other positive habits. All you need to do is to commit to taking a healthy breakfast every day and gain from other areas of your life like career, health or business. Your personal trainer should be advising all of these advantages for a leaner body and results from your training.